
DJ Yaaman - Live on MFM Station, Feb. 18, 2009 (Issue#99)

ATTETION!!! R&B Boutique Mixshow By DJ Yaaman on MFM Station will be closed as a project very soon! But dont' worry! I just decided to step it up and the end of R&B Boutique will be the beginning of the new mixshow project on the same spot, but with new concept & flavour. So here is one of the last joints. ENJOY!

==========D  O  W  N  L  O  A  D==========

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a little bit scared, when I began reading...)))
but then..."oh...it's about steppin' up, breathe easy" )))))

My favourite mixshow on MFM Station will be closed...what am I to do?
Well, it's very simple :)
I will listen to the new project ))))) It's official ))))

P.S. Enjoying vol. 99 :)